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Kubernetes Install guide

In this guide, you will learn how to install the Serenytics data-platform on your Kubernetes cluster.

The Serenytics platform is a set of Docker containers. In this documentation, you will learn how to deploy and run those containers on a k8s cluster using Helm. If you have want to install Serenytics on a single machine, without a k8s cluster, please follow this documentation to install and run Serenytics with docker-compose: Docker-compose install documentation.


You need to have a k8s cluster up and running, kubectl installed and configured to access your cluster. You also need Helm.

Understand the Serenytics architecture

You can skip this section if you want a default install or if you are doing some first tests. If you want to customize your install, you'll need to understand the different pieces installed or required by the platform.

The default install will deploy the following objects:

  • Four Serenytics deployments (the core of Serenytics):

    • backend [required]: a web server serving the Serenytics API.
    • frontent [required]: a web server serving the Serenytics front-end.
    • worker [required]: a worker executing short tasks (e.g. getting data from a datasource)
    • worker-script [optional]: a worker executing long tasks, mostly Jobs in the platform (e.g. generate a PDF file from a dashboard and send it by email, run an ETL step)
  • Two Serenytics services (see details in the Network section):

    • backend: this is required to expose the API outside from the cluster. By default, this service has type LoadBalancer (NodePort is also possible).
    • frontend: this is required to serve the frontend outside from the cluster. By default, this service has type LoadBalancer (NodePort is also possible).
  • A volume

    • serenytics-app-files: this volume is used to store uploaded files in Serenytics (e.g. if you upload an XLS file to be used as a datasource).
  • Other Serenytics deployments/services to run the platform:

    • postgres [required]: a PostgreSQL server used to store Serenytics objects (users, dashboards, configurations...). In a production environment, you can configure Serenytics to use your own PostGreSQL (i.e. not the one installed by default by Serenytics).
    • datawarehouse [optional]: a PostGreSQL server that can be used to create intermediate tables in Serenytics. Again, in a production environment, you can configure Serenytics to use a PostGreSQL not managed by our setup.
    • redis [required]: a Redis server used to manage the queue of tasks
    • mongo [required]: A MongoDB server used to manager the queue of tasks

How to Install Serenytics (default setup)

Add Serenytics charts repo to your local helm setup

The first step is to add the Serenytics charts repository to your helm setup: helm repo add serenytics-charts

Then check it has been added with: helm repo list You should see the serenytics-charts entry in the list.

Create the credentials to download the Serenytics containers

When you run the helm install command, containers will be retrieved from the DockerHub container registry where our images are stored. As our repo on this registry is private, you need credentials to allow your install to download our images.

The first step is to get your credentials from Serenytics (a login, a password and an email).

Then, you need to store your credentials with: kubectl create secret docker-registry serenytics_cred --docker-username=YOUR_USERNAME --docker-password=YOUR_PASSWORD --docker-email=YOUR_EMAIL

Run the installation

As a first test, try to install Serenytics with a dry-run: helm install --dry-run serenytics-data-platform serenytics-charts/serenytics

where serenytics-data-platform is the name of the installation (of course, you can change it to better fit your needs, or run helm install --dry-run --generate-name if you have no inspiration).

You will see that you need to define some values:

  • postgresql_password: the password to use for the default database to store objects (default username is admin) that will be installed during the installation.
  • datawarehouse_postgresql_password: the password to use for the datawarehouse (default username is admin).

In the default installation, both databases will be deployed automatically and use the provided passwords at creation.

To define these values, you need to have a myvalues.yaml file where you define them (you can also pass the values inline when you run an install or upgrade command). Then, you need to tell the helm install command to use this file: helm install --dry-run serenytics-data-platform serenytics-charts/serenytics -f ./myvalues.yaml

or with inline values: helm install --dry-run serenytics-data-platform serenytics --set postgresql_password="XXXXX" --set datawarehouse_postgresql_password="XXXXXXX"

If the dry-run is working, then you can run an actual installation: helm install serenytics-data-platform serenytics-charts/serenytics -f ./myvalues.yaml

Check the installation

To technically check your install, there are a few steps:

Check the pods

Run kubectl get pods.

All pods should be running. If you have pods with status ImagePullBackOff, it means it failed to grab the Serenytics images from our Docker Hub repo. There should be an issue with the credentials (check it exists with kubectl get secrets).

Check the services

Run kubectl get services

You should see two LoadBalancers in Running mode (used to publicly expose the frontend and the backend).

k8s services

You need to wait to have external-ips to continue the setup (at first, and maybe during a few minutes, the external-ip columns will be in Pending status).

Finalize your Network installation

When you install Serenytics, the platform is exposed through the two load balancers (each one having its external-ip).

When you run kubectl get services, you should see something like:

k8s services

In this example, the frontend is available at the IP You can do a first quick test by opening the following URL in your browser: You should see the Serenytics login page.

Use the exact URL

Please use the exact URL for this first test, with the last / character.

To finalize your installation, you need to specify to the frontend what is the backend URL. This is done by overwriting values passed to the installation.

First, let's have a look at the values passed to the installation so far: helm get values serenytics-data-platform -a (use the correct release name if you did not use serenytics-data-platform).

There are four important values for the network:

  • frontendExternalPort: the port used by the frontend LoadBalancer (and where is served the frontend)
  • frontendHost: the URL or IP where the frontend is reachable
  • backendExternalPort: the port used by the backend LoadBalancer (and where is served the API)
  • backendHost: the URL or IP where the backend is reachable

To overwrite these values, you need to have a myvalues.yaml file where you define them (you can also pass the values inline when you run an install or upgrade command).

You can use whatever ports you want for frontendExternalPort and backendExternalPort. These ports are used to configure the two loadBalancers.

To configure frontendHost and backendHost, the simplest option is:

  • create two DNS routes, for example: and
  • configure those both routes to the two external IPs of the loadbalancers (obtained by kubectl get services)
  • in myvalues.yaml, add the line frontendHost: and backendHost:

Don't forget to pass these new values to your install: helm upgrade serenytics-data-platform serenytics --reset-values -f ./myvalues.yaml

reset-values option

The reset-values option ensure that if you remove a value from ./myvalues.yaml, it won't keep existing in the release. That's a practice we have at Serenytics, but it's up to you to use it or not.

or with inline values:

helm upgrade serenytics-1701880911 ./serenytics --reset-values --set frontendHost="" --set backendHost=""

You can now open the page in your browser. if you used the port 80 for the frontend, you can directly open

If you don't want or can't setup routes in your DNS, in myvalues.yaml, add the line frontendHost: http://EXTERNAL-IP-FRONTEND-LOADBALANCER and backendHost: http://EXTERNAL-IP-BACKEND-LOADBALANCER

Configure the SMTP server

In order to allow the platform to send emails (e.g. change password mails, dashboards printed as PDF,...), you need to pass credentials for an SMTP server. This is done in your ./myvalues.yaml with variables:

Here is an example for the AWS SMTP managed service:

  password: MY_PASSWORD
  port: 587
  username: MY_USERNAME

Check the platform

Congratulations, your platform is fully configured. You can now test the features to ensure everything is working well.

Here are a few steps to check your installation is fully working. If you have issues on one step, please contact us at

Create a test account

Open the Serenytics login page, click on Create an account, enter an email and password and click on Create my account. Your account should be created and you should land in the Serenytics studio.

Create a first datasource

Create a datasource of type CSV_LINK and use the link:

Rename this datasource: my CSV.

You should see the preview of this table.

Create a storage in the data-warehouse

In the datasource menu, create a new datasource of type Storage (in the tab Serenytics Datawarehouse). Rename this datasource my storage.

In the Data Preview, you should see the message: Your storage has been created but it is empty yet.

Create a job

In the Job menu, create an ETL step:

  • in the input datasource, pick my CSV
  • in the output datasource, pick my storage
  • in the Data/Measures, click on All

The Data Preview should show some data.

In the execution Tab, click on Run Now. After a few seconds, a green line showing success should appear in the Last 10 executions. Go back in the Data menu, open the page of the datasource my storage, you should see that the data from the CSV file has been imported in the storage and is visible in the Data Preview.


If the three above steps passed successfully, your installation is fully working!


The SSL configuration will be added soon. But this is highly linked to your cluster provider. Usually, the LoadBalancers should be configured according to your provider instructions to handle SSL. And then data is transmitted without encryption within your cluster.


Python Jobs are not available in a Kubernetes installation. It will be in a future release.