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Dashboard formulas

There are 2 kinds of formulas: Compute and Rendering.

Use a Compute formula if you want to apply a calculation on the cell value. Excel exports will use the results of the calculation. If you want to apply a formula to change the cell presentation (e.g. icons, html code), use a Rendering formula. This calculation won't be applied when exporting data to Excel.

Note that the data is first transformed by the Compute formula, the result is then passed to the numeral formatting (if there is one), and then the result is passed to the Rendering formula.

Numeral formatting and rendering formula

If you apply a numeral formatting to your data (e.g. 1 000 or 12.34%), this formatting is applied to the data before it is passed to the rendering formula. For example, if the input data is the number 67425 and the numeral formatting is 1 000 then the input of the rendering formula will be 67 425.

This value is a string containing a white space. If you use a conditional formula (e.g. value > 50000 ? "large" : "small"), it won't work. The condition will always be true.

You need to convert the input string to a number with the toNumber() function (e.g. toNumber(value) > 50000 ? "large" : "small").

Variables available in a formula

  • value is the current cell value.
  • line[N] is the value of the cell of the Nth column on the current line (first column is line[1]).
  • aboveLine[N] is the value of the cell of the Nth column on the line above the current line.
  • belowLine[N] is the value of the cell of the Nth column on the line below the current line.
  • lineIndex is the line index in the array (first line has index 1).
  • isFirstLine true if the current cell is in the first line of the array.
  • isLastLine true if the current cell is in the last line of the array.

In free-tables

There is an extra variable available only in free-table that lets you access the value of any cell in the table:

  • data[rowId, columnId] is the value of the cell at row rowId and column columnId. data[1,1] is the top-left cell.

Here is a guide to use this feature to compute an advanced value (based on hidden intermediate values) in a KPI using a free-table:

  • create a Free-table widget and configure it to have a single row
  • configure the leftest cells in Value mode and compute intermediates values in those cells
  • in the rightest cell, use the Formula mode, and in the compute formula (in the Formatting section), enter the formula to compute the KPI based on other cells, e.g. data[1][1] + data[1][2]
  • in the Columns widths menu, you can now hide the leftest cells by setting their widths to 0

This way, you can create advanced KPIs based on several queries on several datasources.

In bar charts / curve charts

In a formula, line[1] stands for the X axis, and line[2], ... line[N+1] are the N selected measures.


If you selected 2 measures Margin and Sales, you can enter in the field "Computed formula" the following formula:

line[2] / line[3] * 100

to get a percentage of the margin vs the sales. It's also possible to hide the Sales measure if you only want to display the percentage by clicking on "Hide measure".

Split by mode

Using multiple measures (and so also formulas) is not available when using "Split by" mode

Apply a different rendering in a toolip

The variable isTooltip (1 or 0) is added to the variables and allow you to build a different rendering when you are in a tooltip. For example, you can use: isTooltip ? (value + " (" +(round((line[3] / line[2]) * 100 , 1) + "%") + ")") : (round((line[3] / line[2]) * 100 , 1) + "%") This leads to the below result: the value displayed is only a percentage while the tooltip has the absolute value and the percentage: alt text

Note about variables

The value(s) available with one of the variables above (e.g. value, line, data...) is the output of the Compute formula. The Rendering formula is not applied before returning a variable value.

Examples of Compute Formulas

  • Simple formula
value / 2
  • Column 2 divided by column 1
line[2] / line[1]
  • Simple conditional
value >= 20 ? "large" : "small"
  • Evolution from line below
isLastLine ? "n.a." : (line[1] - belowLine[1])/belowLine[1]
  • Accumulation of column 1 values in column 2
aboveLine[2] + line[1]
  • Number of days between a date and now
 date_diff(value, now())

Examples of Rendering Formulas

  • Conditional with icon
value >= 20 ? (icon("arrow-up", "green") + value) : (icon("arrow-down", "red") + value)
  • Evolution from line below with icons
isLastLine ? "n.a." : (line[1] > belowLine[1]) ?
("+" + round((line[1] - belowLine[1]) / belowLine[1] * 100, 2) + " % " + icon("arrow-up", "green"))
(round((line[1] - belowLine[1]) / belowLine[1] * 100, 2) + " % " + icon("arrow-down", "red"))

String Syntax

String must be within double quotes (e.g.: replace(value, "k", "kilo") and not within simple quotes.

Conditions syntax

You can write a condition with the syntax: condition ? value_if_true : value_if_false.

For example, you can write: value > 100 ? "Large" : "Small".

Generate HTML code

In various places (e.g. in a table's column), you can use the rendering formula to generate HTML code.

For example, in a table, if you want to display the value of a column, and below, the value of the first column of the table, in color red with a small font, you can use:

value + "<br>" + "<span style=font-size:8px;color:red>(" + line[1] + " items)</span>"

Available functions


Inserts an icon with the given color. See here for the full icon set.


  • icon_name: icon to use
  • color[optional]: icon color.


icon("flag", "red")


Inserts a trash icon in a table that triggers the deletion of a data row when clicked, and then triggers a widgets' refresh. The table must have an id column.


  • datasource_uuid: datasource where to delete the row.
  • id: value of the id column in the row to delete.


// In a table, the variable `datasource_uuid` is defined and contains the uuid of the table's datasource.
// Here, line[2] should contain the `id` column.
icon_del_table_row(datasource_uuid, line[2])

// a raw example
icon_del_table_row("af775026-b229-4fbb-9974-a8a268df6d00", 20)

Inserts the link text pointing to url. You can use variables to dynamically create the link (e.g. from other columns of a table).


  • text: text to display
  • url: url to open
  • mode[optional]: can be "same" or "new".

If mode is "new" or not set, the link will be opened in a new window. If mode is "same", the link will be opened in the same window when clicked.


link("Serenytics", "", "new")

// if the 5th column of a table contains a product ID:
link("Product infos", "" + line[5] + "/overview", "new")

// if the current column contains a product ID
link("Product infos", "" + value + "/overview", "new")

Inserts the link text pointing to the dashboard with uuid uuid, with the option to filter the destination dashboard with a payload.


  • text: text to display
  • uuid: uuid of the dashboard to link to.
  • mode[optional]: can be "same" or "new".
  • payload_filter[optional]: the payload field name.
  • payload_value[optional]: the payload value for payload_filter.

If mode is "new" or not set, the link will be opened in a new window. If mode is "same", the link will be opened in the same window when clicked.

If both payload_filter and payload_value are defined, the payload {payload_filter: payload_value} will be passed to the dashboard. This payload can be used in a global static filter (see template dashboard).


link_to_dashboard("User info", "176a8ac8-5c85-4fd0-b960-bad858f986e0", "new", "user_id", 10)
// the payload passed to the dashboard will be {"user_id": "10"}

link_to_dashboard("User info", "176a8ac8-5c85-4fd0-b960-bad858f986e0", "new", "user_id", line[1])
// this example shows how to filter the destination dashboard with the user id contained in line[1]


Inserts a button triggering an automation. This can be used in a table to add a button per row that triggers a Python script. The button can pass values from the table rows to the Python script.


  • btn_title: title of the button to display
  • automation_uuid: uuid of the automation to run
  • other args: payload passed as list of key,values args (see example below). Whites spaces in keys or values are not supported and are removed before being passed to the script.

If the automation is a Python script, the payload can be retrieved in the dict client.script_args.


// example without payload
btn_run_automation("My button", "176a8ac8-5c85-4fd0-b960-bad858f986e0")

// example with a payload with two keys
// the value associated with myKey1 is the hard-coded string "Content"
// the value associated with myKey2 is the variable in column 2 of the table row
btn_run_automation("My button", "176a8ac8-5c85-4fd0-b960-bad858f986e0", "myKey1", "Content", "myKey2", line[2])


Inserts a button in a table that will set a field value in a given table row (and then refreshes the widgets).


  • btnText: text of the button
  • datasource_uuid: the uuid of the datasource where to update the field
  • id: id value of the row to update
  • field_name: name of the field to update
  • value: value to set to the value


// In a widget's formula, the variable datasource_uuid contains the uuid of the widget's datasource
// Here, line[1] is the column that contains the ID of the row
// This button will set the value of the column "status_field" to "DONE"
btn_set_row_field_value("Mark as done", datasource_uuid, line[1], "status_field", "DONE")

//a more raw example:
btn_set_row_field_value("Mark as done", "176a8ac8-5c85-4fd0-b960-bad858f986e0", 0, "status_field", "DONE")

// if you have two status (TODO and DONE), you can show the correct button to the user with this formula:
// (we assume line[3] shows the status for a given row.)
line[3] == "TODO" ?  btn_set_row_field_value("Mark as done", datasource_uuid, line[1], "status_field", "DONE") :
    btn_set_row_field_value("Mark as todo", datasource_uuid, line[1], "status_field", "TODO")


This function is obsolete and will be removed soon

To allow full download of a datasource in a dashboard by a Viewer, please read the doc here.

Returns an URL to download the file of the source with uuid uuid. The returned URL is valid only if the data source is used at least within one widget of the dashboard (this is a security constraint) and the option Allow download file in viewer must be enabled on the data source.


  • uuid: uuid of the data source.



How to use create_source_file_url:

Create a KPI widget, select the source you want to download in its data configuration. In the rendering section, choose the template Custom HTML. Then paste this HTML code:

<div style="padding:20px; background-color: lightblue; height: 100%;font-size: 2vw">
    <a href={{create_source_file_url("413faa5a-e859-cf99-a1be-e0ff63878a82")}}>Download file</a>

Error handling for create_source_file_url

If you have issues using this function, open the developer console of your browser. Errors from this function are displayed there.


Shows a link to send an email to the recipient email, with subject subject and email body body.


  • text: text to display as a link
  • email: email recipient
  • subject: email subject
  • body: email body


mailto("Send Email", "", "Email from dashboard", "Hello<br>Can you update your settings?")


Replaces string s1 by string s2 in string str.


  • str: input string
  • s1: string to replace
  • s2: new string
replace("2016-02-28", "-", "/")


Repeats the str string N times.


  • str: string to repeat
  • N: number of times to repeat


repeat(icon("star", "orange"), 3)


Pads str on the left side with chars if it's shorter than length.


  • str: input string
  • length: output string length
  • chars[optional]: characters to use to pad the input string


padLeft(value, 2, "0")


Rounds the value val to N decimals.


  • val: input value
  • N: number of decimals in the output value


round(value, 2)


Rounds the value val to the closest integer downward.


  • val: input value




Rounds the value val to an integer toward zero.


  • val: input value




Returns the absolute value of val.


  • val: input value




Calculates the power of x to y.


  • x: input value
  • y: power to use


pow(value, 2)


Computes the square root of val.


  • val: input value




Computes the sign of val, either -1,+1 or 0 (if val is 0).


  • val: input value




Returns the current datetime, in UTC in ISO format.




Formats a number.


  • inputString: input value.
  • format: output format. To be chosen within values listed in menu Numeral (e.g. "1 000", "1 000.23 $"...).
  • decimal_sep: decimal separator
  • thousand_sep: thousand separator
  • currency_symbol: currency symbol


formatNumeral(value, "1 000 $",".", " ","€")


Formats inputDateString with the format given by outputFormatString (e.g. "YYYY - MM - DD", "LLLL"). IfinputDateString is not in ISO format, specify its format with inputFormatString (e.g. "YYYY-MM-DD", see here for all possible values). See here for a complete documentation about available output formats.


  • inputDateString: input string
  • outputFormatString: output string format
  • inputFormatString[optional]: input string format


formatDate(value, "YYYY - MM - DD", "YYYY/MM/DD")


Use this function instead of formatDate when you want to set the locale to use for the output format.


  • inputDateString: input string
  • outputFormatString: output string format
  • locale: locale to use
  • inputFormatString[optional]: input string format


formatDateWithLocale(value, "LLLL", "fr")


Returns date2 - date1 in days.


  • date1: first date
  • date2: second date


date_diff(line[1], line[2])


Add (or substract) a period of time to a date (or datetime).


  • inputDate : input date
  • nbUnits : number of time units to add (or substract)
  • timeUnit : time unit, can be "years", "quarters", "months", "weeks", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds" or "milliseconds"
  • outputFormat[optional] : output format (default format is 'YYYY-MM-DD')


dateAdd("2017-06-21", 2, "months") // returns 2017-08-21
dateAdd("2017-06-21", -1, "years") // returns 2016-06-21


Convert val to number.


  • val: value to convert


toNumber("12.34%") // returns number 12.34
toNumber("367 345 euros") // returns number 367345


Extract characters at the beginning of a string.

Parameters :

  • s: input string
  • n: number of characters to keep


left("John Doe", 3) // returns "Joh"

Extract characters at the end of a string.

Parameters :

  • s: input string
  • n: number of characters to keep


right("John Doe", 3) // returns "Doe"


Remove characters at the beginning of a string.

Parameters :

  • s: input string
  • n: number of characters to remove


removeLeft("John Doe", 3) // returns "n Doe"


Remove characters at the end of a string.

Parameters :

  • s: input string
  • n: number of characters to remove


removeRight("John Doe", 2) // returns "John D"


Returns a given field from the user's metadata.

Parameters :

  • s: meta data field (or dot-separated path)
  • d: default value to return if the field does not exist


// returns the field "country" of the user's metadata

// returns the field "" of the user's metadata, and returns Paris if the path does not exist


Returns the user's login (i.e. its email).


getLoginUsername() // returns

Creates an URL pointing to a static file to download, from the UUID of the statc file.


  • uuid: UUID of the static file to download


<a href={{link_to_static_file("95d1434-0b11-4900-81fb-5f0d299fd03c")}}>
    <div><span class="fa fa-download">Click here to download your file!</div>

Creates an URL pointing to a file to download, from the name of the file. The goal of this function is to let you build dynamically the name of the file to download, using logger users' metadata or dashboards' variables.


  • filename: name of the static file to download.


<a href={{link_to_static_file_by_name($$login.business_unit$$ + "_" + varYear + "_sales.xlsx")}}>
    <div><span class="fa fa-download">Click here to download your XLSX file!</div>

where varYear is a dashboard's variable.


Returns the date of the current day (default format is YYYY/MM/DD).



today('yyyy/MM/dd', 'en')


Returns the current year (or a previous/following year).


  • delta_years (default: 0): number of years to add to the current year (or to remove if negative).


year() // current year
year(-1) // previous year